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St. Louis SCHOOLS St. Louis Apartments

At St. Louis Apartments, we understand the importance of education in today's society. Parents want nothing more than to place their children in schools where they know their children will be in good hands. Especially when moving to a new area, parents want to make sure that there are appropriate schools nearby. Researching specific needs and wants for their children's education is the first step that any moving parent should take.

A simple phone call to the school's district will answer most of your questions, but not all. Some cases may require a visit to a counselor who is more than willing to help a parent find the right education and school for their kids. The internet is also a very useful source for information regarding ANYTHING related to your child's education. Here is a link to the St. Louis Public Schools website.

St. Louis Public Schools

The St. Louis Public Schools exists to support the relationship between caring, competent teachers and students; where every student achieves his or her fullest potential to live, work, and prosper in a global, technologically advancing world.

Extraordinary focus on our children must be our urgent priority. Therefore, the mission of the Saint Louis Public Schools is to ensure all students have the opportunity to achieve their full intellectual potential, to develop the skills and values necessary to live rich, full lives and to ensure future generations their right to quality public education.

Core Values
The Saint Louis Board of Education holds as their Core Values that:
Impact on children will guide decision making at every level
Cultural competency on the part of teachers/administrators is critical to the achievement of children
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- Innovation and risk taking essential to leadership, teaching and learning
- Data-driven interim assessments are key to monitoring student results
- Diversity of learning styles must be honored in the development of children and those who serve them
- Academic, civic, personal and occupational adequacy of children is the core mission of schooling
- Parent friendliness leads to parent engagement
- Pride in the efforts and results of children and teachers is the District's highest reward
- Technology will be utilized to effectively enhance the quality of instruction and focus on the individual needs of each child.

Leadership: To provide strong innovative leadership with broadly inspired vision willing to take risks necessary to improve student achievement.
Local School Management: To empower principals, teachers, staff, students, parents and the community with the appropriate authority to work collaboratively to improve student achievement.

Personnel: To ensure a competent, responsible staff committed to improving student achievement and empowered to accomplish that task.
Resources: To ensure adequate financial and physical facilities necessary to carry out the mission of the Board.

Students achieving at or above grade level.
Students attending and staying in school.
Students safe and well-behaved.
Students graduating prepared to enter college, begin vocational training or get a job.

Governance Team Standards of Practice

We, the members of the St. Louis Public Schools Governance Team recognize that district success will come only if we commit to work together towards our common goals. We also recognize that our words and actions serve as a model of professional behavior for our students, teachers and staff. Therefore, we commit to following these Standards of Practice in order to provide outstanding leadership in service to the children of our community:

1. We will maintain our focus on teaching and learning. Our first and greatest concern will be the students of the St. Louis Public Schools.

2. We will establish and follow communication protocols between the board and superintendent and between and among board members. This means we will:
- actively and respectfully listen when our colleagues speak
- turn off cell phones and pagers during meetings
- respect established protocols relating to communications with staff
- share pertinent information in an appropriate and timely manner with the superintendent and fellow board members
- commit to understand and then to be understood.

3. We will focus on policy and outcomes and leave the day to day management of the system to the superintendent and his staff.

4. We will respect the dignity and trust inherent in our office and conduct ourselves professionally at all times. This includes:
- preparing for board meetings
- respecting appropriate confidentiality of board business
- engaging in professional development as needed to be highly effective governance team members
- focusing on issues, not personalities, thus avoiding the creation of a public spectacle
- not using the board meeting forum as an opportunity to "grand stand."

5. We will model trustworthiness in our relationships with each other, with our superintendent, and with our constituents.

6. We will strive to maintain and cultivate strong linkages between the governance team and all members of the school community

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